Sing Me a Story Foundation

Social Media Marketing Intern

January - May 2024 • Las Vegas, NV

What I liked

At Sing Me a Story, I loved how collaborative the team was. I learned a lot from my supervisor, Autumn, who is a rockstar! The foundation’s mission is incredibly inspiring and the work I completed was rewarding. It’s an internship experience that makes you feel prepared, excited, and a part of a cause-oriented mission.

What I wish was different

One thing that I wish had been different was to have more meetings. This is a remote internship, so it can feel difficult at times to stay connected and focused to your responsibilities.


My advice, both in personal and a professional experience, is to be inspired by the work you’re doing. Take a chance to get more involved and reflect on how your work is impacting others. Sing Me a Story is incredibly special, and so are those who are a part of it!
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Communications Intern

September - December 2021 • Victoria

What I liked

I really enjoyed the environment of the organization. Even though the internship was remote I felt a strong sense of community within the organization. I also enjoyed the insight into non-profits and the music business that I experienced throughout the work I did.

What I wish was different


My advice would be to make sure that you use all of the resources available to you through the internship to gain the most experience possible.
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July 2020 - May 2021 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

The SMAS team are the most fun, kind, and hard-working people. Our staff meetings were always a blast--expect to be laughing and smiling on Zoom every-time. They encouraged me to share new project ideas, cared about my personal career goals, and also wanted to know what was happening in my life. Super caring and fun work environment that will make you want to work hard for a great cause.

What I wish was different

I didn't start going to the staff meetings until a few months in (due to school schedule). I highly recommend going to those. Once I did, I understood my role a lot more and was able to really connect with the team.


Your heart has to be in it! You will have a wonderful experience if you love songs, kids, and/or making a tangible, positive impact on peoples' lives. Your work here really does make a difference and the SMAS team is really great at reminding you of that and your value as an intern.
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Social Media Manager Intern

August 2021 • Fremont, NE

What I liked

I love the SMAS community and mission of the Foundation. Everyone has been so inclusive and educational to help me learn and grow in the organization.

What I wish was different

I wish I had more time to dedicate to the internship, it’s amazing!!


I would say communication is key and being open to new projects you don’t anticipate trying at first. You can learn so much.
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Innovation Intern

June - August 2020 • Hastings-on-Hudson, NY

What I liked

The staff of Sing Me a Story really values their interns, and this was clear to me from the first second I joined the team; they immediately began to treat us with respect, responsiveness, and kindness. The directors were so attentive to the desires of the interns, taking into account what aspects of the organization were appealing to us and encouraging us to be vocal about this as they designated responsibilities. The internship had a very nice balance between structured (I never felt like I didn't know what to do), and independent (everything was at my own pace and I never felt like I was doing busywork).

What I wish was different

While the internship was very feasible and effective in a remote setting, I think (in a non-pandemic time) that it would've been wonderful to meet everyone in person and get that office community feeling.


I would encourage future interns to make sure they are vocal about what in the organization appeals to them, because it will be taken into account!
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Social Media Manager and Artist Coordinator

March 2019 • Evanston, IL

What I liked

I have been with the Sing Me a Story foundation for over a year. I started as an artist coordinator, then I became the social media manager and now I am changing positions again. This internship helped me develop skills such as reaching out to multiple artists and coordinating information among multiple parties. I was able to enhance my social media skills and graphic design skills by creating content for SMAS's Social media. If you enjoy learning about multiple roles in an organization this is the internship for you! Everyone is very helpful and will help you understand what role they play in the organization. The mission of the organization is prominent in every project, so everyone stays on the same page. There are constantly new ideas and opportunities to take advantage of, you just have to ask.

What I wish was different

I always wish there were opportunities to meet the other interns in person. One of the best things about this is that it is remote, so you can meet people from all over the country, but it is over a video call. Since they don't have a social media specialist, you have to create a social media calendar and plan yourself. They will provide guidelines as to what content they would like to see, but you have to create a social media strategy.


Definitely be on top of your time management. There are days when it is slow, and then there are days that I have only done work for SMAS. Try to stay on top of your work and do an hour or two a day, so it won't feel overwhelming. Additionally, don't be afraid to ask for help!
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Publicity Intern

May - August 2020 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

This internship will really allow you to be creative, have freedom in your ideas, and do REAL WORK! From the very beginning, I was able to apply my undergraduate education and I felt like I was making a difference within the nonprofit. The people you work with are so kind and they trust you and listen to what you have to say. It was a wonderful experience!

What I wish was different

I think this internship would have worked a bit better if I was able to get to know the other interns. With the internship being remote, it was a bit hard to be fully involved with the team since we were from different states and countries. I would have liked more community between my co-interns.


Be on top of your work! It is remote so you are the one to set your time and schedule. So be sure to stay on top of things and learn to be self-motivated.
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Music Marketing and Communications Intern

May - August 2019 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

My favorite part of the internship was getting the opportunity to get connected to a non-profit specifically one that works directly with children. As I researched artists and corporations to get them connected with our organization, I felt a great sense of fulfillment, that my efforts were directly affecting children in need.

What I wish was different

The only thing I wish would have been different is if there was an option to have the internship in person. One of the things I enjoy most is interacting with others in person.


My one piece of advice that I would share with a prospective intern is to be ready for the work but to also constantly remind yourself that it is all for a good cause! The work may be challenging but if a person was never challenged, how would they get to the next level in their career and passion?
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Social Media Intern

May - August 2019 • Nashville, TN

What I liked

I appreciated the freedom that I had creating their brand image on social media. I had someone I could check in with, but for the most part, I was on my own. It was an excellent internship to get a taste for social media management, and I recommend this internship if you're okay with learning and figuring out social media as you go.

What I wish was different

Sing Me a Story is a newer nonprofit that doesn't have much of a social media presence, and can't afford to have a social media specialist working for them. So you're really on your own learning social media, trying to hone your skills. If you're looking to enhance your skills, this isn't the internship for you; this is like an introductory course to social media management.


Be prepared to write a lot of emails and always share any ideas you have. The Sing Me a Story Foundation gives you the freedom to try out ideas and write in your own style, take advantage of that freedom while you have it.
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Artist Coordinator Intern

December 2018 • Champaign, IL

What I liked

I have been an intern with the Sing Me a Story Foundation since December of 2018, and it has been the most beneficial internship I have ever completed. This internship has given me more learning and self-development opportunities than I ever initially anticipated. Throughout my time with Sing Me a Story I have learned countless things about the Music Industry, the Non-Profit world, and my own career development. My favorite part of this internship is the fact that I am able to see the work I do behind the scenes come to life. I've had the opportunity to meet with children in need, helping them put their creative stories to paper, watch talented artists record music live, and even traveled to Nashville for Sing Me a Story's annual event! The Sing Me a Story team is the kindest, and most welcoming group of individuals I have ever worked for. It is not often that one has the opportunity to work for a cause that is so great and has an impact on so many lives.

What I wish was different


This is a remote internship, so most of the work you do will be on the computer. It can be easy to get lost behind the screen and forget what it is all about. I would encourage every intern to do their best to get involved with Sing Me a Story in other ways as well. I enjoy seeing the work I do come to life, and it's easy to do that when you sit down with the kids while they write their stories, or even write a song for a child in need yourself! Don't be afraid to ask questions or make suggestions. This internship will be as great as you make it.
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