Myriad Genetics Inc.

Software Engineering Intern

May - August 2021 • South San Francisco, CA

What I liked

Lots of opportunities to learn. Helpful mentors. Got to work on my own project.

What I wish was different

More collaboration


Ask questions, attend meetings.
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Lab tech

June 2019 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

Noble industry and company mission

What I wish was different

That my advisor had known about lab tech positions and where to find them


Start your job search months before graduation
1 One person found this helpful

Biostatistician Intern

June - August 2018 • Salt Lake City, UT

What I liked

I loved my coworkers and managers, they were all very kind and helpful--they really wanted me to learn all I could and succeed in the work I did. Everything I did/learned was relevant for my future career. The pay was nice as well.

What I wish was different

I wish the commute had been shorter.


Read/follow the 2 hour job search so you can build your network and have job opportunities you never would have imagined!
4 ${count} people found this helpful